Thursday, March 16, 2006


The Boy was scavenging under his bed to pick up his giant toy tarantula (which I stole for him one halloween from a pub party)...and it moved!

We are living in Spideropolis.


SouthOzBloke said...

I can deal with spiders from a distance but personally I don't trust anything with more than four legs.
Put big boots on and "pressure test" them all!
Ten points out of ten if you've surmised that I don't subscribe to the Buddhist idea of reincarnation.

Unknown said...

I luurve spiders, the big ones at least, not interested in the sneaky little poison-you-before-you-work -out-what-bit-you style ones.
But I'm still freaked by the spider I picked up with the tongs that was actually fighting me to get away.
We've sprayed, planted citronella, cleaned furiously, plugged up holes, armed the kids with swatters and Mortein and pretty much cleaned the place up - but every once and a awhile one of these uberspiders turns up, totally oblivious to all the toxins I've exposed my children to in an effort to destroy them.
Good news is, The Girl's phobia has become something more of a blasé kind of loathing - of course, she does look funny walking around with that fly swatter in her cowgirl holster - LOL.