Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Done Deal!

That's it - it's a done deal, contracts signed and I'm packing boxes now!
Here comes another one, just like the other one...just point me in the new direction, wind me up and watch me go.

The crazy newspaper lady has refused to work with me - after organising for them to hire me, for me to help her, and begging for time off, she has refused to take holidays, hand over layout to me...oh, and generally slandered me shamelessly.
Now she's guaranteed that she'll get the paper done in time (on a long weekend, silly girl) or her neck's on the block.
Three members of her managing committee quit during the two and half hour 'intervention' they had today but, the important part is...

Of course, I will be using that time to catch up on housework, box up as much as I can fit in my car, help my parents finish their business plan, drive my children all over the country...before travelling to the Outback to 'consult' on the newspaper without, in any way, upsetting the incumbent or implying that she can't do her bloody job...and then hiring a trailer to get the last of my stuff back from where my ex dumped it all at his mate's house.

If I'm feeling really shitty, I might even just leave his stuff there (considering he's too busy with his NEW life to ever get there himself - deja vu for the man who moved in with me with a single bag of belongings) and just take mine and the kids' straight to the 'new home'.

Sadly, while that would be fair (considering he took the dog and his clothes and left everything else he was supposed to be bringing down to me without even warning me he was moving and the kids would be visiting him at a new house on weekends) I'm not really interested in furthering the war we're only just recovering from.
Of course, in my deepest, darkest heart I can chortle about having the OPTION to do those nasty, vengeful things.

Insert small, wicked chortle here.


SouthOzBloke said...

You write an excellent blog and I'm really looking forward to reading your first novel.
After all the shit you've been through I bet it's a great feeling to have circumstances (and good options) start to fall your way for a change.
I bet you're savouring the thought of leaving all his stuff at his mates place but pity you're too nice a person to actually do it.
Good luck with the long weekend and have a great Easter.

Unknown said...

LOL - thanks for the support.
No, I'm feeling a lot healthier these days.
No use hating someone you once loved and whom you're going to have to see every second weekend of your life for the next 10 years - it's too much energy and it just keeps the hurt alive.
What's a box or two when I'm already packing up my own stuff? And a little part of me says 'why make it easier for him to dump the old life and pretend it never happened?'
My life's pretty good, I've always had good work, good friends, got a lovely family, always had money coming in - what's a little heartbreak here and there in the big scheme of things eh?
Anyhoo - back to the business plan!
Numbers make me itch, but I don't want the accountant to be the only one who knows what's going on at the business - look how that turned out for the Bee Gees and Steady Eddy, LOL.