Monday, June 07, 2004

Farm Fever

I've caught farm fever.
Finally I can plant my seeds - or so I had thought!
Frosts, torrential rains and freezing conditions have meant that my laundry has been turned into a hothouse full of seedlings.
Tomatoes of all colours, lettuces of all shapes, caulis, cabbages, basil and brussel sprout seedlings all wrapped in plastic bags and sitting on a windowsill waiting for transplanting.
I've already killed a half a dozen lettuces because I was a little too hopeful and threw them out into the cold, hard world (literally) about a month too early.
And let me tell you, The Kids aren't impressed with this 'crunchy' grass in the mornings - although being able to draw faces in the frost on the windscreen on the way to school is a small consolation.

My friends think I'm mad the way I pore over gardening brochures and search the internet for new varieties of vegetables.
They're probably right but it's making me enormously happy.
Especially as how throwing a few seeds in jiffy-pots and watching them unfurl their little green tendrils through clean potting mix is an easy-peasy job.
I keep thinking 'how satisfying to be growing our own food', 'how wonderful to be so close to nature' - I wonder if there's a way, later down the track, to be close to nature without actually having to hoe it, weed it or mow it?
The Kids don't mind a little 'getting close to nature' - they've been giggling for days about buying bags of 'cow poo'.
Apparently it's a pretty rare delight to have parental endorsement for digging in poo - I suppose they're right, seeing as it took me two years to convince The Boy not to play with his own.

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