Sunday, June 06, 2004

From Lamb to Lamb Chops

The Kids haven't made the connection between lamb and lamb chops yet.
That kind of puts a dampener on any plans we have for livestock.
Not that I think it would bother The Boy - he's got a healthy dose of his Grandather's 'feed the man meat' philosophy.
If he really understood what meat was he'd already be gnawing on my calf while I sat here at the computer.
The Girl though? She thinks a little bit too hard and I'm not looking forward to the Kentucky Fried Chicken epiphany when it comes.
She's still having trouble with the knowledge that eggs come from chooks' bums - and she's really not interested in handling them when they're still warm.
However, the lure of pocket money seems to have overcome the "eeuwww" factor though.

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