I like to think of my townie window boxes and pots as a microcosm of my future garden at EastWinds.
Realistically, perhaps I should restrict my growing obsession to what I have, which is both manageable and sustainable…but I have grander plans.
Every day when I wander out to my car or mailbox my little garden reminds me how marvelous nature is.
After all, I shouldn’t be surprised at reseeding tomatoes; strawberries that produce both runners and seedlings; or coriander that pops up after six months and a sunny week - but I am.
I shouldn’t be smugly jubilant that chives that were shaved down to nothing are now poking through the soil like so many green hairs; or that the parsley is escaping its pot; or the lettuce has finally made it to an edible size – but I am.
Corianders, tomatoes, capsicum and basil are all shedding their seed pods like winter caps as the sun begins to last longer each day, the soil warms up and all those discarded seeds in my overcrowded window boxes begin to obey their natural biological clocks.
When I begin to suspect that my roses, planted barely a fortnight ago, won’t last out at the block, I take a look at the garlic that went from wilt to wonderful after a few weeks in my pots, or the flooded beetroot that have bounded back after MyMan and I spent a lunchtime knocking nail holes in the bottom of their metal box.
It gives me hope.
Water, sunshine, manure…then just add seeds. It’s a miracle every time!
We can put them in pots or contain them to plots, we can line up green things in rows; but there’s no denying, Mother Nature is still running the show.
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