Monday, October 14, 2013

Vertical Gardening

Now that the 'big bed' is finally complete and, in true obsessive style, I've overplanted it with tomatoes, cucumbers and capsicum all in the same bed - which, some would suggest, is not ideal - I'm really having to look at vertical gardening.

This 'issue' was highlighted when MrOCD nearly had a conniption about me turning his four 1mx1m bed plan into a giant 3m x 9m bed.
I could see him experiencing actual physical pain as he surveyed my kinked rows and unlabeled cucs & zuchs tucked in between my tomatoes & eggplants.

With the new bed, quality soil, nutrients and plenty of water I'm not too worried about the plants robbing each other of nutrients yet - but I am worried about them strangling each other.
I'm not prepared to deal with mildew or blossomrot. I'm concentrating too hard right now just getting plants to grow past seedling stage.

When I started loading the plants in, I had this wonderful idea that cucumber etc would act as 'living mulch' for my tomatoes, but now I'm concerned about the need for ventilation and access...all the things I wouldn't have had to worry about if I had just adhered to the 'plant 50cm apart' instructions.
(To be fair, they are 50-70cm apart from each other .... but not from the squash and zuchs interspersed between them.)

So I've checked out a few clips for vertical gardening including some of these ones:
Tomato Clips & Cucumber Frames
Cucumbers on Trellis & Cages
15 Ways to Grow Tomatoes Up

I know at Diggers I've seen woven grids of bamboo to support vertical cucumbers etc, something similar to what they're showing at The Gardeners Supply Co.

I'm going to put my faith in Go, Grow Organic's companion planting list that suggests that, as long as you have enough nutrients and water, cucumbers and tomatoes will be fine together.
Fingers crossed!

But because next year, they tell me, is going to be dry THEN I'll be more OCD, I promise.
And if it all goes south, well that's why we're calling this year a trial year...that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

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