Saturday, October 15, 2005

New Directions

This week, I started a new job before I quit my current one, ended my marriage and...just my life back on track.

The Man moved out, The Kids and I cried a lot (until they discovered that Daddy was going to live in a house with a pool table and a bath), and I walked around like a ghost...which is a problem when you can get sued for what you hand out in one job and jobbed for what you serve up in the other.

I know I haven't been with it, even though it's been a long time in the coming.
It struck me just how crazy I was feeling when a man at the bar asked me to give him a Johnnie and I almost choked.
(For those of you who don't understand that reference, please ask an Aussie.)

Another man flirted with me at the bar and I snapped the neck of his Corona bottle - aversion therapy, if they show an interest...just feed them glass.

God, how do people do this? How do they get over someone? It takes me so long just to get into someone.

But while I do get over this, thankyou to the beautiful friends who have stepped up and reached out and picked up the phone even though they just know it's going to be me on the other end crying like a drag queen on a smack come-down. (Which is exactly why I don't look in the mirror at the moment.)

So my hobbyfarm hopes are going to start all over again now. I will be in my crappy little house in my overgrown little corner of nowheresville top it all off...I'm going to have to leave behind another garden to start all over again.

Luckily, I've got two job possibilities - working at a school or working for the Liberal Party. It's like choosing between being frozen in carbon or just succombing to the darkside once and for all.
Until then, it's just me and R2D2 and C3PO and the promise of a little peace...or a little piece of happiness a little further down the road. Even if Han Solo is busy on his own Millenium Falcon.

And here ends the sappiness...not to mention the Star Wars references, forgive me, the TV is on in the background.

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