Sunday, December 11, 2005

Empty Nest Syndrome

My babies flew away yesterday.
And while I'll see them in two weeks - we'll be settling into a whole new nest next time I'm with them and it's a very unsettling feeling.

Normally I'd be so excited about having some time to myself but it's very final this move, and it brings with it a whole bunch of other hurdles.

How am I going to get them settled at The Farm?
What do I need to do there before we can move in - I'll start with a big round of spider napalm, a false floor and get a sparkie to hook up my new septic system, get the old tank filled in, the fences back up and the weeds mowed down.

And all of that, with no money.

I'll finish up work on the 16th, sing at the local pageant on the 17th, travel to The Farm on the 18th and have to spend the 19th at the dentist, mechanic and Centrelink, before fighting Christmas traffic all the way to the City to see my friend in ICU.

It's nice to be moving forward again but there's so much to do, and not enough money or time to get it all done in.

In the next three months I have Christmas, New Year's, access visits with The Big Girl so she can have a second Christmas with The Kids and their Dad, an operation for The Boy, a whole lot of renovations, possibly a landsale to pay for my kitchen floors and plastered walls and, of course, holiday swimming lessons to boot.

I'm just chewing on one bite at a time though.
Get the paper out today, clean out my house & my work computer and office next week, get to the dentist, mechanic, Centrelink and The City the week after and be with The Kids for Christmas.

It seems a lot, even cutting it down to those two weeks, but it's just one step at a time.
And they're all forward more going backwards!
As Aldous Huxley would say - "it's a brave new world", but hopefully without all the test tubes and the need for happy pills.

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