Sunday, December 11, 2005

Reading the Signs

OK - you know it's a wobbly kind of day when I pull out the Tarot cards.
Last night they told me I was giving up a secure financial position for something more risky, even a little dodgy, and they also told me I was leaving a love out of pure necessity, without hope for reconciliation, and then my personal card was the Empress, heralding an earthier, more homely, maternal life with all the rewards and hardships associated with it.

Well duh!
My fucking Counsellor and best friends told me that!

I had a really vivid dream about reading with the kids in bed and my tooth just dropped out between us onto the pillow.
My friend and her mum insisted this had a meaning, so I googled it.
Apparently, "a tooth falling out within the dream may represent making way for the new. Or losing a tooth may represent an inability to get a grip on something, failing to fully comprehend it".

Well duh, again!
I think the kids and I are all going through a little bit of both those things.
But, frankly, what's the use of being a bloody Gypsy fortune teller if it's all bloody obvious anyway!
That's how the scammers really make their money - by being naturally perceptive.

What this all adds up to is the fact that I should learn my cards and make a living reading fortunes at the Laura Folk Fair and share the confusion around a little.

And if I did that, then my other's friends 'reflexology' summation of my large-lobed open-topped ears which - apparently, trap and funnel good fortune like Dumbo's ears direct the slipstream - might just be true because I'll make a fortune telling lonely 40-year-olds about their next dark, mysterious stranger.

Blah - it's so hard to be a cynic and a psychic all at the same time.

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