Friday, March 24, 2006


When my husband cheated on me with one of our oldest friends, I wallowed in a little fantasy of setting up a website where you could post people who had shitted you off.
It would be set up like a geneaology site, so you'd post a photo, a full name and an 'anecdote'.
Then, when people googled that person's name for things like, oh, I don't know, reference checks - they'd discover that that person on LiarsCheats&
I'm thinking, that kind of thing would speed up regulation of the internet pretty damn quickly, but in the meantime you could post your bastard boss, your lying husband or your nagging neighbour.
There'd be so many less porsches trashed, speedboats spraypainted, left shoes destroyed...just harmless words on a page.

The advertising potential is incredible too.
All those 'is your partner cheating on you' sperm detection kits, DNA determination companies, private investigators, 'decoy' girls...
If I get real low on cash, I think I'll have to keep this one in mind.


Nemesis said...


GeekGirl said...

"harmless words on a page"??

The pixel is mightier than the sword...