Thursday, March 23, 2006

What the Hell are you Doing?

Who are you people?
How did you find this site?
What the hell are you doing in front of a computer screen instead of out having an exciting life?
Worse - what are you doing reading my sad, self-obsessive crap for?
You're all masochists!

I know what I'm doing here, it's bloody scary though to find out so many people are out there watching me do it. (There's so many innuendos that could fit, right here, but apparently my Mum reads this blog too - and my Aunties, and a couple of their neighbours, and someone's sister in Manchester, and some cousins in Wales I never met and who probably think my hair is really that colour and I look that good from any other angle - in fact, it's getting quite bloody busy in my little corner of cyberspace)

I thought I was anonymous, then I saw the temporary counter tick over, and started getting messages from other (perfectly nice, I must say) blog-addicted people.
I didn't blog for a month after that.

You know, one day someone will document these blogs - like they do in Anne McCaffrey's short stories, and psychoanalyse the whole 21st century through our little narcissistic ravings.
I pity the poor bastard who gets my site to sort out - how's about a game of emotional ping pong then?

But, it's a good hobby for me.
I'm too busy obsessing about myself to go around judging anyone else right at this moment.
Of course, that's cut off a lot of the gossip supply to some good friends but, hey, we all make sacrifices eh?

This is my attempt to beat kharma - harmless self-obsession is better than gratuitous obsession with everyone else's least, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. what's your excuse?

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